
  I D A H O


The Marlowe Law Firm, founded in 2005, was built on and has grown with its commitment to its Clients, competent legal representation, confidentiality, and professionalism through and beyond representation. This firm focuses it’s practice on CRIMINAL DEFENSE and PERSONAL INJURY

C R I M I N A L    D E F E N S E

This practice has earned a reputation for it's intelligent, vigorous, and hard hitting criminal defense work. We know how to address the tough questions and build a winning strategy. We know the law, understand the system, understand what the Client is going through, and know how to get the best results.
  • Police Cruiser
  • Criminal Defense
  • Criminal Defense


  • Personal Injury
  • Personal Injury
  • Personal Injury

P E R S O N A L     I N J U R Y

If you have been injured in an accident, you want an intelligent, principled and knowledgeable attorney who will keep your interests foremost in mind. This practice is here to protect the rights and obtain justice for those injured.


O T H E R   L E G A L   M A T T E R S

Should you need a business established, a will, trust, or other legal matter that is not the primary focus of this practice, you should still feel comfortable contacting us. If a legal matter is presented that cannot be covered by this practice, we will gladly associate with or refer you to other trusted counsel.
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